Brew Guide

Learn how you can prepare our handcrafted beans just like we do!

Coffee For Creatives:

We are so proud of this purposeful blend roasted in collaboration with Centri Coffee.

The grower of our Ethiopian portion is Bedhatu Jibicho, a woman in her eighties who has farmed coffee for over fifty years.

The Brazilian portion comes from a family run farm called Fazenda Floresta. they’ve been certified biodynamic, which is a holistic approach to agriculture where the farm is managed as an interconnected organism that generates its own fertility through diverse cover-cropping + the integration of manure from cute lil animals raised on the farm.

Both farms are paid over “fair trade” price so that they can reinvest both into their farms + their communities, nurturing a next generation that navigate an ever changing world.

Come try out how these beans work together, with tasting notes developed of: hazelnut, nectarine, graham cracker + baker’s chocolate

The Pour-over V60 12oz.

For all pours: start in the center and circle to the edge (without touching the filter directly!!!) and back to the center, where you’ll finish the pour with mini circles

  1. Measure out 24 grams of coffee ground to a medium fine level

  2. Heat water to 205-210 degrees, just off a boil

  3. Settle the grounds and pour about 40 grams of water in a circular motion to cover all coffee

  4. Start timer and let run to 30 seconds

  5. Pour 110 grams of water over a 25 second period

  6. Wait 10 seconds and repeat the 110 gram pour over 25 seconds

  7. If you have a hot water tower or it’s a self heating kettle, heat up your water before the final pour

  8. Pour 120 grams (for a total of 380 grams poured) over a 20-25 second period and let the water flow through

For 16oz, use 34 grams of coffee and a 50 gram bloom, then pour:

:30-:55 to 215 grams

1:15-1:40 to 375 grams

2-2:25 to 515 grams

hurray, coffee!!!

The Chemex

55 grams ground slightly courser than a v60, closer to what would be used for a batch brewer

heat water to 205-210 degrees

pour 150 grams of water for the bloom and give a nice stir, start your timer

at :45, pour from center to edge quickly (filling to 300 grams around the 1 minute mark) and then slow down while making mini circles in the center, so that you reach 700 grams of water around the 3 minute mark


Although we change our recipes regularly depending on the time since roasting, temperature, humidity, and even the barometric pressure, one of our go-to’s for our la marzocco linea is this:

set to 203 degrees

18.5 grams of coffee in the portafilter

36 grams of coffee out, in 30-36 seconds